Olympus style macro

Oh, I am pleased with this.  As far as macros go it's not all that good, but when you see what I was using, it's actually pretty remarkable.

Using the Olympus (of course), and the kit lens (14-42mm), I managed to get really close.  The flower is a nemesia, very tiny, and I got some pretty good detail out of it.  I also like the way the Olympus manages colour. 

I still think I'll use the Canon 6D plus the 100mm lens for my macro work, but maybe I'll save up and get the 60mm prime that Nevermore uses.  She does some wonderful work with hers, and it would make a very good reserve, especially when we are travelling and don't want to take the big camera with us.

The colour really leaps out against the black screen in large.

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