Wide Angle Wednesday - Odd

This is the entrance to the Imperial Park in Mt Victoria, a town which is 5kms west of Blackheath.
The Imperial Park is named after the Imperial Hotel opposite, which owned the land until it was acquired by the council in 1979.

During the Depression unemployment relief was used to construct a number of imitation stone shelters and decorative rustic grotto type features.
Several of these have been removed, but others remain as distinctive features of the park.

There is reputed to have been a zoo on the site, but its location has not been confirmed. It is possible the shelters were for animals.
When I was a child in the fifties, these structures were quite common.
Indeed, Taronga Park Zoo had many cement rock shelters.

These structures look decidedly odd out of context, and there is no information in the park.
You might be able to see one or two of them through the gate, but the extras show them better.

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