An Old Airman's Life

By 1VintageAirman

Fixated on the water

When we got  up this morning, the weatherman warned that we had a short time before major storms would be hitting.  Buddy and I went out for our morning constitutional.  As always, I was in more of a hurry than Buddy.  We walked through the Water Gardens to all his favorite spots.  Maybe all the rain we have been having changed the aroma.  Whatever the reason, it took him a loonnngggg time to decide.

When we first walked in, I noticed this guy staring at the falling water.  Each time I looked his  way, he remained in the  same stance at the same spot.  He remained like this for at least 10 maybe 15 minutes.

One of the features of living in the downtown of a big city is  that many unique folks reside almost within arms length. 

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