Irn Bru Belle of the ball

We dropped off son no 1 at the airport around midday and drove back via Perth as I had forgotten to look for a Wisden for DJ yesterday plus I only remembered when back in Auchterarder that DJ needed another pair of kilthose (the long socks that go with a kilt). We couldn't find a Wisden in any of the Perth bookshops, so that will have to be acquired online. For the kilthose we went to the shop where my menfolk got their kilts in George Street, the shop of Janet Eagleton MBE and her son Marcus, famous for their handcrafted sporrans. Looks like they are now famous for more things like this dress costume made out of 1000 Irn Bru cans.A model actually wore it to pose for a photo that was auctioned later for charity. For those of you not familar with Irn Bru that's 'Scotland's other national drink', an orange coloured carbonated soft drink.

As the dress now rests in the window display of the Sporran Shop there were rather a lot of reflections including one of me, I've tried to cover the reflections a bit with a texture.

Thanks very much for your kind comments and stars for yesterday's Forteviot pano. I'm really struggling to keep up with commenting on your Blips, hopefully things will get better once we're home again after the weekend.

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