
By CafeMistblick

Summer position

Have moved all the hives forward to the lower "summer" position to make life easier when inspecting te two storey hives.

For my record only the hives are (from left to right) 4,3,5,2,1
#4 Weakest 2014 hive - own queen from 2014
#3 Middle 2014 hive - queen not found probably own from 2014
#5 May 2015 split MrB 2014 offspring hive with original queen
#2 Strongest 2014 hive, queen from 2014
#1 May 2015 split MrB 2014 offspring hive - hopefully own 2015 queen

Don't know why, but I have a feeling #1's hoped for queen took her maiden flight today (and her last hopefully)

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