Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Last week I made the impulse buy to end all impulse buys.
I bought an iPhone.

Not a new one, mind.
I hadn't lost my head quite that much.

My old phone was just useless. It was only really any good at texting or calling, and most of the time it couldn't even do those things. I'd receive no texts for days on end, despite all my slightly angry "why aren't you replying" texts sending fine. Sometimes I'd only get the texts while on the phone to someone asking why I wasn't replying/checking I was alive. It was starting to cause arguments.

Anyway, after years of telling myself I didn't need one, exactly the same thing is happening as when I switched from PC to Mac. Why have I not done this sooner?!

I'm not gonna make a habit of phone blipping.
But on a day spent doing all the boring bits of work I've been putting off for a whole semester, it'll do just fine.
This was Pose photographing her work on our front doorstep, but I decided to change it to our amazing dinner. Cous cous and all sorts of other lovely things.

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