
By CyclopsJnr

First cousin, once removed (?!)

What a busy day!

Cyclops's cousin A-M is in town, and so we all went along for a coffee with her and her husband R at the Botanics.  This was A-M's first time to see BabyCyclops, so that was lovely.

Then later, MrsCyclops took BabyCyclops to the soft play at Ocean Terminal.  It was great, he went in the baby section and the toddler section and passed a very happy hour and a half roaming about and falling over safely!  Here is another photo of that.

A few developments.  Firstly we're pretty sure BabyCyclops understands some of what we say to him now.  He will look at the thing you talk to him about, for example.  Secondly, BabyCyclops said Daddy and we wondered if he meant it.  He's been saying Daddy and Dadda for months but just at random.  This time... well... maybe.  Thirdly, BabyCyclops deliberately let go and attempted to stand unsupported.  He managed a second or so.  Not much, but he's not even tried that before.

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