Three trout and a salmon

There is nearly a movie in that title :-)

My afternoon was devoted to smoking three trout and a salmon. I'd pulled them all from the freezer yesterday. I'll tell you a little about the process (she says as she munches through a couple of rice crackers with freshly smoked salmon and cream cheese - divine :-)

Top left: The sides of fish are sprinkled with salt for 1-2 hours.

Bottom left: After washing the salt off and patting the fish dry with paper towels, I gently rub brown sugar into the flesh. The last part of the curing process is painting on melted manuka honey with a pastry brush. 

Top left: While the fish cures a little more, I prepare the smoker. Beneath the racks is a mix of fine dry manuka wood chips and some soaked in beer. (Adds flavour and smokiness).

Bottom right: The finished product,, home smoked fish :-)

It's been a few weeks since I exercised my hunter/gatherer gene. The next best thing is preparing the fruits of my labours for the table. After work tomorrow I'll take the two dishes of smoke fish to my butcher. For a small price he vacuum packs them for me. The keep well in the fridge for months.

I always feel a bit sad I don't live closer to Dad or my family or they could share it too. My friends don't do too badly out of my passion. Some of it off-sets the cost of the fur child's holidays at the 5-star luxury cat accommodation.

Two more weekends and I'll get to chase trout and salmon again :-)

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