The Family Album

Further to yesterday's blip, I find it interesting to see, during these Royal celebrations, which bits of the Windsor family history are deemed worthy of comment, and which are swept under the carpet with an embarrassed cough. Certainly, old Eddie's adventures with the Third Reich don't seem to get mentioned very much.

You have to wonder what other magical moments are lurking in the family photo album, really, don't you? I mean, it's difficult to imagine how they could possibly top this one. Tea parties with Ed Gein? Polo matches in Josef Fritzl's back garden? If nothing else, memories of giving Enoch Powell an MBE and knighting Robert Mugabe would probably cause more of those polite coughs we've grown so fond of.

Still, I suppose they muddle on and do their best to make the rest of the world happy nowadays. Thank God for the Windsors' chief cultural anthropologist and ambassador for equal rights, Prince Phillip, eh?

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