The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Psilothryx Viridicoeorulea & a bee

Hard to choose the picture for today. I like them both. 

The main one is a Psilothryx Viridicoeorulea, from the Melyridae family. 
Two months ago the blue version of these ones was very abondant. Now the Blues are gone and I started to find this green/copper version. 
Its was strange to find this one in a Mauve leaf... because so far I only found those in the yellow flowers, like daysis...two months ago every yellow  flower was having one. 
Here is a blue one
I was hoping this could be the the Illustris species, but apparently it is not. It's not the colour who separates the specie, but the shape of the abdomen's edge. 
This specimen was no longer than 4-5 millimetres. 
These are hard to shoot because they are highly reflective. Forget about to shoot one under direct sunlight....

Extra picture: 
Every purple flower on that plant was having a bee "sleeping" inside... a gentle squeeze in the flower and the bee came out... forgive her... she did not have the time to comb her hair... 

Note: in Portuguese the noun "Abelha" (Bee) is feminine (nouns have genre in Portuguese) ... I don't know if it is correct in English to refer to a bee as.. "she".  ;)

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