
Today we travelled West. Apothecary7 has a week off work. Hooray!

The same roads as our June trip last year. Via Dundee, skirting Perth, to Crieff, Comrie, along Loch Earn then to Crainlarich and on to Tyndrum and the Green Welly Stop for some lunch. A pleasant enough day for driving.

We carried on through Dalmally, Loch Awe village, Taynuilt, and Connel to Oban where we stopped for a while, had a walk along the seafront and got some groceries. It is just a short drive South of Oban to Loch Feochan, our base for the week. There are three chalets looking down Loch Feochan and we had a different one this year, at the far end of the three with possibly a better view of the loch. Before dinner we had a wander round the woodland walk that goes up and round the hill that sits behind the chalets.

Maeve the Deerhound has come along too.

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