A busy mum!

Or should I say “a demanding offspring”!!

The garden has been like Heathrow today, with all the birds zooming in and out. I put the water feature on, put out some new fat containers and some ground seed trays, and then waited!!

There are lots of baby (big chunky ones) starlings, making demands to be fed in between paddling in the water. There are blackbirds nesting in one of our bushes and three wood pigeons in a neighbour’s tree, all of them come to us to eat!! Plus a single robin.

We don’t have any great tits in our nesting box this year. Our neighbour pruned his apple tree in March whilst we were away. This is normally the time that our box is occupied and the branches of the tree were on the inward route, so I assume they’ve gone elsewhere.   We are leaving this box and camera set up for the next owners of this house and have a new one to set up in Lincolnshire.

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