From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

More yelling!

It's too busy out there!

It was another busy work day too. I went into the office today.

I remembered to take my 'free lunch' voucher from Walkers crisps in.

I didn't get a chance to run out until nearly 11:45 by which time I was starving and grumpy! I went to Sainsbury's for a change and got a chicken tikka sandwich, bacon crisps and a banana and strawberry smoothie. Well, that was nice and it was just 85p as my voucher was for £4! That was better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!

After an afternoon which passed in a blur, I left for the day and went to the hairdresser where I nearly fell asleep with my head in the sink.

I then went back to the house to feed the starving millions outside the kitchen window. The vultures descended before I even managed to bank the back door shut!

That's it.

Track? Track? Here's one from the Byrds in 1966 - Turn! Turn! Turn!

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