From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

Hargreaves Lookout

This afternoon, afternoon tea and a blip meet at WW's to meet the most delightful blipper Gitama.  Have been following her blips now for about three years - so it seemed that we'd known each other for a while rather than just meeting for the first time.  Many thanks To Barb and Catherine for those fabulous date and lemon scones - totally delicious!  

Had to leave before everyone else in order to get a walk in to Hargreaves Lookout before it was totally dark.  As the road opened up to the view, the wind was biting and the rain, whilst not heavy, was wind driven and cold.  On the way down to the lookout, there was just the one light on in the valley, and climbing up the hill back to the car, I turned to look and then there were two, quite close together, like cat's eyes twinkling.  

Just managed to sneak the walk in - was pretty black by the time I returned to the car. 

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