Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

New Neighbours

Excitement indeed, with new neighbours moving in next door yesterday evening. A constant coming and going for over three hours, carrying twigs, and other nest making material into the middle of a laurel bush in our neighbour's garden, right outside our patio doors.

For a moment I thought it was twisty beak, pictured here, sporting lost feathers to the leading edge of her right wing. She was taking advantage of the recent activity putting bedding plants into the garden border.

Instead another pair of blackbirds are setting up home deep within the bush. A surreptitious look this morning confirmed the nest building is well advanced. I just hope being so close to our patio doesn't spook the birds in the coming weeks.


Got a late capture of the female blackbird bringing in nest material this evening. Excuse the poor quality, iso 6400 and 1/180 sec in fading light was testing conditions.

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