A Walk in The Park

it started out as a walk on the road
then turned into a blat at Waterfall Creek
bark to a walk on the track
then up the road a bit and into
a walk in the park
This is Wanaka Station Park and just a few feet from home but it took The Boss 9566 steps to get there and therefore……
The last Ice Cream bar (purchased for the BIG BLIP MEET on Anzac weekend) has now gone. Thank goodness for that. They smell great but I am never allowed to have one so I and The Boss who normally does not eat nightly Ice Cream bars either, are pleased…I think. 
I will report bark after the first visit to the supermarket.

Paw Script...It is not that The Blippers here didn't like Ice Cream, just that they preferred the exotic "Hokey Pokey" stuff that simply isn't available out of NZ and had gallons (oh sorry) Litres of that instead. 

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