Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Marsden Bay

Today we jumped in time...forwards to the Anglo-Saxons and Bede, not long after the Romans left Britain.  We went to Bede's World at Jarrow, and there was a Medieval Fayre on.  Well - it was quite wee and most of the stalls were tat, but there was some nice craft items and there were living history folks doing some battle re-enactment etc.(extra photo)  I always like a bit of hey nonny nonny and fake fighting. Many years ago I was involved in a battle re-enactment society , so it brings back fun memories. After queuing for 20 mins for some very average Hog Roast we had a wander then left to go waaaay back in time.   

We went to Marsden Bay, as I felt the need to be at the coast.  So back in time to almost 250 million years ago, when these really spectacular cliffs and rocks were formed.  This big lump with little caves used to have an arch joining it to the cliffs, you can see all the rocks on the sand to the right of the photo, that is what's left of the archway after it dramatically fell one winter's storm. We had a superb time clambering over the rocks, getting our geology lessons from CJ and collecting a few special stones to take home.  CJ gave Amber a great Lumix to play with at the beach, great move, she had loads of fun and took tons of great photos.  He had his huge lens on to take photos of the bird colonies. Kittwakes, Cormorants, Fulmers and Gulls. The closest I got to them was narrowly missing a bird deposit whilst looking in a rock pool.
There's only one thing that will do after a bracing beach expedition - fish and chips.  Oh they were so good!!
Day 2 of the mini holiday, packed in loads!
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