
Stella seems to love being almost buried in foliage at the moment, I would find all that extra pollen a nightmare on my sensitive skin but she takes some comfort from it so I leave well alone apart from brushing stray bits of grass and cow parsley off her!

That cat that I sometimes photograph was really quite amusing this morning...I'd let Stella out into my parents' garden while I got ready to go the bank and what have you. Mum yells at me to come here so I immediately panic thinking she's having a bad seizure and I'll need to ring the vet. No, that cat was trying to make its way into the house! It definitely didn't want to go back to its own house for some reason so I offered it some water (outside!) No thank you, it didn't want a drink, it started that cat thing of weaving around me, so, checking madam was out of view, I picked it up, it just wanted a cuddle. I guess it doesn't get many cuddles with a face like that and I do sympathise ;)

Though a very slender, bony, creature, it was reassuringly soft and velvety.

Mum was not amused though and is telling everyone in no uncertain terms not to go out and leave the door open! 

In nephew news, got a peek of my little darling today when I gave mum a lift. Still the most adorable boy ever! :) 

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