
We had been due to go down to Somerset today to stay in a house with three other families. It's twenty years since Mr K met Mr J, Mr P and Mr R at University and now they're all married with hundreds of children between them!
Unfortunately Mr K's usual ridiculous work schedule along with bad planning and atrocious time management  meant that he couldn't get away and we had to cancel at the last minute. 
Very annoying and disappointing on many levels!
This morning the Little Misses pottered about playing on various devices - iPads, laptops, Kindles, TV remotes and Wii Fits.
They mixed it up a bit by climbing trees in the garden, collecting creepy crawlies to add to the growing menagerie in Miss E's room, drawing and cutting paper into tiny bits and scattering them all over the house (Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!)
When I got out of bed at noon and asked them if they wanted some lunch Miss E looked a bit confused and said "but we haven't had breakfast yet Mummy"
We went swimming in the afternoon. After a lunch of crumpets and Nutella, hot dogs, boiled eggs and strawberries! I had expected the pool to be rammed but we were the only ones there. Brilliant!
From there it was to Bicester for Fat Club. A pound and a half off.

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