Return to the North

By Viking

The moon on moonscape

We had a Teacher only Day today in Winton. It was excellent. We got together with a number of other Southland Schools - so somewhere in the region of a couple of hundred teachers. With that sort of 'buying power' we could get some decent presenters. We were all inspired by speakers from the Brainwave Trust - which collates research and does talks about early child development and adolescent development based around recent knowledge on brain development. If you ever get the chance to go and listen to them do go or check them out online. Nathan Makarae - Wallis is a fabulous speaker (although he was busy today so we had other presenters) He is in Southland next week i think so check him out especially if you have kids.  I digress. So yep we had a very inspiring and productive teacher only day leading up to the long weekend. 
It has been a tough couple of weeks for me at work and so being a long weekend I decided I was going to go away. I tried for VIVID in Sydney but couldn't get out of NZ with enough time to make it viable so the next best thing? Millbrook resort of course. Luxurious accommodation, amazing views and a massage already booked :-)
I took a few shots on the way here which I have put on my Flickr page here but the shot I've posted caught my eye. It's not the best shot of the day but I was fascinated by the bare but snowy/frozen trees at the top of the hill with the moon in view. So it is my blip.

Bon Weekend to all those here in NZ

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