Snips and Snaps


Beinn a Chaorainn & Beinn Tealiach

A total of 15.47 miles walked on Monday to reach two more Munros.  A failed attempt to get onto Creag Meagaidh due to the 'Window' still being full of snow.  Better safe than sorry so Plan B - retreat to the car and a short drive up the road to the start of the walk in to Beinn a Chaorainn, notorious for its cornices on the east ridge, waiting to trap the unwary mountaineer in poor visibility.  No problems today, as Keith makes his way along the ridge with Loch Trieg down in the Glen.  A long way down to climb up again to the second Munro of Beinn Tealiach.  Back to base to plan an alternative route onto Creag Meagaidh for Tuesday.

Click on the tag to see the set of our trip to the Cairngorms

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