Long Dof Macro

It's been a cold, miserable and totally pointless day out there. I quickly decided that I wasn't goin' no place ... and so I thought I'd resume experimenting with the macro tubes. Fishing about in the lens bag I did find the M.Zuiko 45mm lens living in the Sigma 30mm mini case and so I thought I'd make them the subjects. I began by mounting the 16mm tube onto the 30mm lens and set about the task.

While shallow dof shots are pleasing to the eye, very often in my macros I find that the dof is so shallow and the blur so all-pervading that I sometimes have trouble interpreting what I see. Blur might be very cool but I DO want to know what I am looking at. This time I thought I should wind the aperture all the way down to f22 and see what the results might be.

Just to give you some size references, the 45mm lens is approximately 50mm long overall and the word "SIGMA" on the leather lens case badge is 20mm long. The front element of the working camera lens is just about 30mm from the closest part of the subject and I have deliberately set the lens and case on an angle in order to create depth of field issues. 

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