The Port Bow

A Sunny Saturday. And plenty of wind - so a sail with the Ws from along the road. Yes, the first sail for MsW! There was a bit of a blow as we left the harbour, so we skudded Fifewards rather than beat up to Cramond. A glorious sail and tie up in Aberdour for black pudding pakoras and juice - and a fine relaxing sail back as the wind had dropped slightly. Relaxing for me, that is, as I was just sitting chatting with 'er while he was struggling with the tiller all the way.
Back to draw breath before heading out to the Stand for a bit of live comedy. The compere was good as were a couple of the acts. The other couple, less so. Haven't we got past laughing at UKIP? Bloody liberal middle classes laughing at the stupid bigots. Ho ho fucking ho. Except it's not funny. But hey, the compere's joke about being a gay Glaswegian (indeed, a hard man) with a knife, was a bit of a winner.

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