
By IntothewildMan


A somewhat frustrating start to the day; grey and cold, rainy and damp. Too wet to go butterfly watching or work in the garden. We lit the woodburner, drank tea and read the papers. It was an opportunity to take in an article by the retiring editor of the Guardian, Alan Rusbridger, which reminded me what a valuable and essential resource the paper is, in a market where nearly all the news resources are owned by media barons with powerful vested interests. He also explored the way in which the news media has changed over the last couple of decades and some of the major events and disclosures. Inspiring stuff.

Later there was a break in the clouds and we got out for some fresh air and a bit of a cycle ride around about tea time. The sun came out soon after we got home and I took the camera into the garden, where the paeonies, still flecked with rain, are just coming into bloom.

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