hi on life

By Storm98

Totaly out of focus

Steven called " Mam you should check out the moon" I grab the camera and head outside I couldn't see the moon,but knew it was there. So off to the beach I drove only  it is only 2 mins away, once there I thought this is dark, scary, cold and wet what am I doing here.
 I was brave I climbed out of the car and walked down towards the water to try and get a good shot of the moon it was huge and  reflecting on the water it was beautiful. Still a little scared I was rushing my shots I had also forgotten to pick up the Tripod and then my battery began to flash I got half a dozen shots and decided this was not to be.
This was the best of them I do actually like it even though you can not see the moon and its out of focus.
It should still be a good moon tonight and I will be more prepared and take Hubby with me.

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