
By Madchickenwoman


Well don't we?!!
I had mine this afternoon driving home - but I'll get to that in time - nothing serious - just a "Little Wobble!"
Day started with the obligatory red mite annihilation - little beggars have moved to the door frame! Thick red clusters - Euw! I dropped my water bottle inside the coop and when I retrieved it the little buggers were already crawling on it! I liberally sprinkled the powder in the dust baths they've made and hopefully this will kill a few more thousand of them!!
Home - major shower - and away over the moors. There was the usual mizzle but this just made the moors more dramatic. The sun came through at times and lit up distant fields. The route takes you right across Dartmoor and over the high moors and the verdant valleys. Only one hold up as 12 mares and their foals trotted up the middle of the road to a new grazing area! 
Break to publish!!! Not sure what happens when I publish then edit - guess I'll never know unless someone can tell me!!
So - the craft Fair - sublime! I still have not discovered the difference between Art and Craft - but this was definitely Art! I met chandelier lady and Glass lady and had a good chat - then descended on the wire sculptures! They are the most amazing creations - like 3D line drawings! They completely freak my brain out as it tries to make sense of what it's seeing. They have the form of cups and saucers, pegs,  a curved crescent of houses with trees, clarinets and cuckoo clocks - but they have no substance! It's a complete spatial trip! Not helped by the strongest espresso I have ever had - the power went on the van as they made mine so it was 4 teaspoons of unctuous black caffeine! I'm still wired even now! Ha! Wired! Get it?!!!! ( You see what I mean?!!!)
I took photographs but they don' show the depth - but I bought 2 so will practise at home and blip one day soon!!! As I went from one wire stall to the other I came across a glass engraver - class!! Pithy sayings on medicine bottles, ink pots, lights and this jelly mould! The whole thing reads "Everybody has a little wobble now and then" The light bulb " Your next idea will be arriving shortly"The whole stand was so beautifully arranged - and it won the award for the best dressed stand!!
At this point the sun was out and I had spent far more than I had anticipated - so not wanting to spend more, and itching to take all the things I had seen on the way there, I left!
There is a church and a graveyard that can be seen as you are at the top of one valley, just as the valley rises on the other side. It is visually arresting as not only is there a tall church tower, the graveyard and gravestones can be clearly seen from a great distance away. I stopped and took photographs then carried on down. At this point i should say geography is not my strong point! The 1540 built church is in Widecombe- in- the Moor!  
I had an amazing time looking at the Bosses on the Chancel ceiling - there was a Green Man, Saints, lions, 3 hares, foliage - Oak, Poplar, Hepatica and Wormwood, Pelicans-in-their-piety - looking as if her 3 young were eating  blood from her neck- but this is what they believed, not realising they were feeding them premasticated food from the bag under her beak! I got positively dizzy looking up at them all - no doubt not helped by the caffeine still coursing through my system!
Onwards to the small hamlet of Ponsworthy, which has a stream you must drive across and thatched cottages - very picturesque! But highly dangerous and potentially drenching when you stand next to it to take a photograph and cars come along!
Now for my wobble! As I drove on towards Dartmeet ( where the East and West Dart rivers meet! ) I realised that when I went to the fair last year I was in my last term of work - it brought back all reasons why I had made this decision, the events leading up to that point, the death of both parents, their illnesses, my deep sadness. All this and the atrocious management and my constant battles with them as I voiced my objections and my disillusionment with the education system. This feeling contrasted with the beauty of all that I had seen at the fair and on the route - person and nature made. I wanted to cry! Yes the espresso and lack of food probably didn't help! Plus on the way there I had listened to Elbow - beautiful, uplifting yet tinged with melancholy, yearning.Listen to the link to One day Like This!!! On the way back it was Alt-J and Taro - about the photographer Robert Capa, the most beautiful song in every way.
Anyway - home I sped, thoughts swirling, then a few hours to do photos, check Facebook that Friend was covered for the weekend - me and Vegan Jo mostly! But nellie of the woods from hospital to saturday day morning when I take over. I visited  Friend to see how she was doing and check what time Nellie wanted to go - she had baked bread, quiche and cakes and it was a veritable bakery in the kitchen! 
Finally time to lock chickens up and finish photos and do this blip!!! So many beautiful things and places I could have shown you - but the engraver made me laugh and I had a wobble - so it seemed the best and easiest choice!
More on Flickr and more to come - but I need my bed!!!!

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