From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Guess Who

abandoned his pet human and deigned to follow me to my office so I could feed him tasty treats?

I took Jane and Nevyn with me on the train to Lancaster today - they both were ever so excited to be on the train. We went to buy Jane a tea-latte in Juicafe and Nevyn had a Dairy milk milkshake. I had a banana free smoothie.

Reading group was good - I didn't rate the book very highly, but we got to talk a lot about it, so that was nice - and I got to talk (just a little bit) abut videogames! I don't usually, because it is not relevent, but my current research game Assassin's Creed fitted bits of the book perfectly!!!!!

We had dinner in NICE at Lancaster before coming home. Nevyn says it is his second favourite place in the whole world! SO, if you are passing through, check it out; its near the railway station in the Storey Institute.

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