Hello little one!

Biscuit has always been very good with little puppies, but for some reason he has shown no interest in this litter. I have wondered why, but just accepted that maybe he was getting too old (10½ years old) to be bothered. He has ignored the little ones - pretended they were not there...

And then suddenly today - totally out of the blue - he jumped into the puppy pen and had a look around. He said a friendly hallo to each of the babies and then went on to investigate their toys and stuff. He was no afraid of them and not worried in any way. 

The pups will be 4 weeks old tomorrow - maybe he decided today that they are now proper dogs and an acceptable age for him to say hallo.

Sooooo.... this is Biscuit meeting Gollum for the first time. Gollum was not impressed. He had just eaten a big meal and wanted to sleep! :-)

So work and puppy cuddles and now I need a shower before I am ready for some brain numbing  TV :-)

Night night blipland.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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