Verity... was R's birthday and we went to Ilfracombe.  Never been before so we thought we'd visit.  Had a great time, coffee in the Quay (which we later found out was the cafe owned by Damien Hirst!) and then went to see the sculpture, by him, that there's been so much controversy over.  I didn't particularly like or dislike it. It's interesting and especially so when you read the information and significance of it.  It's all about truth and justice but too much from to write down here but I'm sure its on the net.

Harbour area's great and we had a lovely day until we went up into the town which is a little tired and depressing.  Home and then out for a meal with the family at a local hostelry!  I've put three extras on which I liked.  One is the large platter by a French potter that we gave himself for his birthday and the other two I just liked!

All good fun, now I'm tired and must away to my bed!  I'll be back commenting tomorrow I hope.

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