tempus fugit

By ceridwen

On and off the menu

Continually on the knife edge between superfluity and scarcity, we have to cut our menus according to our cloth at the surplus food cafe.  Today fresh supplies were low so I made tofu burgers (top left) thanks to an unusual  donation, while E. recycled some mushroom pate into a lasagne (top right) - and there she is (bottom left) putting the finishing touches to a couple of lemon cakes. Bottom right is a cheesecake (made from a donated packet) decorated with surplus grapes that were frozen in sugar  last year.
Currently we have a mountain of bread and lots of vegetable oil and UHT cream in stock but fresh fruit and vegetables are in short supply.
And our prices -  too high, too low? It all depends on the sort of customer that walks through the door. We are getting lots of compliments on Trip Advisor but what about hard-up local people? There are no easy answers.

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