
By tookie

Killdeer with eggs

Early swim, then Big R and the hooligans and I went out to the country dog park...we walked way down to the river and then the killdeers went nuts along the did the dogs...mostly Sadie trying to catch them .  We leashed Sadie back up as obviously the birds were trying to protect something and we had upset them...esp. the dogs.  Cowboy retracted from them when we gave the command "leave it"....ah..Sadie did not so that's why leash.  
  The Killdeer stood over some eggs ...another displaying his /her wing     doing what they call the broken wing distract us from the eggs nested so to say the beach pebbles/rocks.  It was a new amazing sight to us. 

The killdeer's broken-wing display (from site)

You sometimes see an adult killdeer in gravel, such as along a rocky railroad easement, or on a dirt road. As you approach, the killdeer may suddenly develop a broken wing. It struggles in front of you, as if it can barely walk, let alone fly. One or both wings drag pitifully on the ground.
If your instinct to rescue the killdeer overcomes you, and you try to catch the bird, it almost lets you reach out and pick it up. But somehow, while struggling to keep its balance, the killdeer manages to stay one step ahead of you. As you pursue it, the killdeer leads you farther and farther away from its four downy killdeer babies crouching on the ground or half hidden under a tiny bush.
When the killdeer feels that the young are safe from you, its broken wing heals suddenly, and the bird flies away, calling a loud "KILL-DEE" that sounds like a jeer.
After you've been fooled a time or two by the broken wing display, you don't give the deceiving adult killdeer a second glance. Immediately, you look around for the killdeer babies. You may see one disappearing into the grass or flattening itself on the ground and freezing."--from site

. Extra shots are one of the killdeer landing and the other of a killdeer doing the wing dance.
  So we left to let them be in peace...keeping the dogs at bay.  Nice walk back.  More computer clean up this afternoon to hopefully help out my mess.

Such lovely comments on the Zeke pictures and the sparrow..many thank yous ...And Zeke was proud to be up in the popular page;)

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