
By mambo

Lace Caps

First thing this morning we were up and off to see Kitty's first class assembly. All reception class took part and spoke about their first year in full time school. Can't believe she has nearly completed a year already, time goes so quickly.

Jumped on the train into Leeds to visit a cycle shop, whole food shop and finally into an old fashioned ironmongery to purchase some nails. Also treat myself to a new watering can.
Hey, I know how to live!

Back home for lunchtime then hopefully more time to work in the garden. We are making lattice screens to cover the refuse bins (3) and the shed, we're not doing the lattice part ourselves we have bought some panels and the plan is to attach them to railway sleepers to make them free standing. This is my idea so watch this space to see how they turn out!

Finally this is a quick shot of one of the lace cap rhodedendrums in my garden, just a quick untouched shot on my iPad with only a bit of cropping. I like how the geranium is creeping into the shot and there is a bit of clematis in the top corner. I pack my plants close together due to having a small garden.

I've never contributed to Flower Friday before but am doing so today in dedication to Alma, a blipper who passed on earlier this week and whose daughter Anni organises this challenge.

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