
These are my three Nomination charm bracelets, that I have had for about eight years. I started collecting the charms when my Dad was alive ,and he bought me quite a few of them. I wear the bracelets all the time, and never take them off   except to blip them   I bought the "Cariad" charm a few weeks ago, which translates into  English as,  Love. The new charm ,which I bought yesterday, means  a  hug, which the Welsh can do so well. It's a special kind of hug, and if I ever meet any of you, I will show you exactly how it's done. I was supposed to be volunteering  at Open Church today, but Kevin phoned me last   night, to say that there was a wedding today at 1 o'clock, so it wasn't worth doing it today.  It's lasagne al fono,  with a red onion and fontal cheese pantofola  bread,  for our evening meal, which of course will be accompanied by the red wine. Hope you all have a great weekend.

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