
By Kardimomma

Catalyst club

Catalyst club in Brighton today. It was a good evening, a friend was doing one of the talks, on sea shanties.
First talk was about the history of postcards and was actually really interesting!
Second one was brilliant, George Egg did his famous talk and demo on cooking in hotel rooms, using only hotel epuipment. He cooked a full English, bacon, scrambled eggs, black pudding, mushroom and toast....using a kettle, iron, 2 bibles and a trouser press! ! It was bloody brilliant!
He'll be doing an extended version at the Edinburgh festival. ..I reccommend going if you're there.
Finally my friend did his sea shanties thing...he'd brought a few strapping young lads along to sing, they did well, despite a few errors as it was theidr very first outing.

I left home at 8 am and got back in at 11 pm! Time for bed.

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