
By MamaOfBoys

30 things before i'm 30

1. Watch all the Bond movies.
2. Learn the thriller dance.
3. Master the pavlova
4. Master cooking with pastry
5. Go to the ballet
6. Own a pair of blue heels
7. Read books
8. Run a half marathon?

So last night while we were out an article popped up in my feed about 30 books you should read before you were 30. All of them were no good i mean plato? Seriously a suggestion.

So it got me thinking of some things i could do before i turn 30 in October. I know i started late, i should have started when i turned 29 only i didn't think of it then so i decided i'll give myself until December to complete things on my list but as you can see my list is short, very short. 

Money and time being a huge restriction for me, i'm aiming for things that either wont cost me a lot or take a lot of time.

For 1. I've only ever seen one bond movie and it was old. All i can remember of it was it had a ninja type person on the ceiling who dripped poison in bonds mouth. Know it? Let me know so i can cross it off.

2. Learning the thriller dance seems awesomely fun and hey why not right? It can be my party trick. Not that i ever go to parties but i can bust it out when my kids are older just to embarrass them.

3. Master the pav. This one i can say i actually tried and made a goal i think 2 years back, so i thought i should give it another go.

4. Master cooking with pastry. I cant cook with pastry, honestly it doesn't work, my friend said she thinks i don't have the oven high enough so i am going to give that a try.

5. Go to the ballet. I did ballet for over 7 years, i got to pointe only to need to have operations on both toes leaving me out of action for months, by the time i went back i had lost my strength, my ankle strength for being en pointe and my motivation, i couldn't keep up with the other girls anymore. So i gave it up. i still love it, i wished i hadn't stopped. Going to see ballet is i guess nostalgic.

6.Own a pair of blue heels. No need for explanation here except that's the one colour of heels i think id love to own. And one day (this is on my whole life bucket list) own a pair of louboutins.

7.Read books. I have a little list i want to read, like i said the ones on the list last night were rubbish. Any suggestions are welcome.

8. Run a half marathon. Now i dont like running unless i have to so that's why its got a question mark by it, i cant decide if i should. Part or me says hey give it a try so you can say you did it, the other part is saying whyyyyy? Its running.

So as you can its not 30 things though i said to Andre before the bond films alone would equal to 30 i think there's so many, i had no idea. By the end of them i'll probably be thinking i'm a spy and be dreaming about it.

Any suggestions are welcome for anything else i could do or give a go before i turn 30. 

Having kids and getting married were sort of on my list, i didn't really plan it that way not that i had a plan at all but i'm so glad i am married and have my babies.

With the boys still away, Andre, Harper and i went out for breakfast this morning. We don't ever do 3 meals out in a row but with all the stuff that's happened over the past couple of weeks- the sleepless nights, the stress and exhaustion i think it was deserved. Plus we rarely do this.

The boys came home mid morning and were happy to play inside today while Andre and i cleaned up the house. 

Everyone is well and i'm so incredibly grateful that they are!

Its been a pretty awesome weekend!

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