What a difference a day makes. We've been in thick humid damp mizzle all day. The mountain has disappeared and everything is hanging limply. A terracotta flower pot has been customised by a spider and her web is now full of sparkles. An entry for tinytuesday.

What a strange dream I had last night. It was about zombies and it kept on waking me up but every time I went back to sleep the zombies were still there, waiting. I seemed to have been in some kind of house and I was the only one who could deal with these creatures as I possessed some sort of power - I think it was a special stone I had to rub them with! But they got bolder and more immune and sneaked through an open door and I fled down the street, knowing they would follow me and thus save everyone else (Will Smith or what!). As I rushed down the street I sped past a YMCA and thought: they will know how to handle zombies! Luckily I was right and they knew just what to do - at some point one of those horrible doner kebab things was brought in - much loved by zombies apparently and me and the young men won the day. The zombies were so impressed that the penultimate scene (for it was like a film) had a whole line of Michael Jackson type zombies dancing and they parted like the Red Sea as I passed through. On the other side - something or someone was about to reveal the meaning of everything but at this precise moment Himself got up to make the tea and I woke up! So close......
Let's not look too closely into the meaning of any of the above, Freud I'm sure would have a field day. I blame the weather.

YMCA This should give you a giggle - hope you remember the actions! Thriller was far too scary.

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