Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Sports Day

Would normally have gone for mono on Tuttle Jnr here but couldn't resist the "faded/tinted/retro print" look with all that warm sun, dry (freshly cut) grass, cheerful screaming and plastic water bottles etc certainly brought back memories. Tuttle Jnr came first in the (egg) ball n spoon race & "safe" Javelin throwing. But his house came second for the second year running.

Earlier in the day I had an ENT check. My throat has been giving me a lot of jip lately as I cannot clear it despite taking two types of antibiotics over the last two months. It turns out that my tonsils have swollen on one side, so another prescription is required,followed by a further test in six weeks. ENT is not something for the light hearted: having a flexible straw "gently" pushed up my nostril and down my throat is not my idea of pleasant made me coughed like f*ck and almost threw up on the Doctor. But the staff were very kind & helpful. 

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