Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Twelve Spotted Skimmer?

I am hoping that someone can confirm or correct my ID on this guy.  I looked at a lot of photos of Colorado dragonflies and that one was the closest. They have been looking like little helicopters flying around my yard the past few days and one of them finally stopped long enough for a picture!

We are leaving early in the morning for a weekend volleyball tournament in Vail (the ski town).  Pipersdad and I used to play in many of them back in the day.  My brother and his two daughters will be playing.  I love to watch the girls (25 and 22) play doubles.  They are really good, and my amazing brother is still very competitive at 72!  Should be a great time! I'm sure I'll take hundreds of pictures but probably won't upload until I get back Monday.  So, don't worry about me if I'm absent for a few days ;-).  I'll try to look at journals and comment but I'm not sure if I'll have wifi.  Happy weekend, everyone! :-)

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