Nutty about symmetry

These two youngsters have learned to share. This isn't a usual sight on the feeder - normally there's one on the feeder and another perched impatiently nearby. While these two had their fill, a quarrel of sparrows hopped from branch to branch waiting for their turn. Meanwhile, Pierrot the pigeon sat in the other feeder, thus blocking it from the sparrows, blue tits, robins, blackbirds and great tits, who all had to feed on ground. Luckily, pigeons and squirrels are very messy eaters and there's a heck of a lot of seed on the ground. Since it was very windy and rainy, there's a distinct lack of cats (ruffled, wet fur is such a no-no), which is also lucky for the ground feeders.

I'm excited to report that I've discovered where the blackbird nest is. I knew there was one somewhere in the hedge since the blackbird parents have been swooping back and forth under the archway to the garden. Fred and I really have to watch ourselves since the birds swoop low through the archway, around about forehead height. Mr blackbird and I came very, very close to a collision the other morning. Luckily, Mr blackbird can perform the bird equivalent of reversing - he is the master of stunt flying - and I don't have a golden beak embedded in my head. Back to the nest... I can see it from my side kitchen window. I spotted one beak and a flurry of young wings earlier. The nest is built in the huge rose bush and is in a very sturdy spot. I don't think the cats can get it, but I will be ever so anxious when the youngster fledges. I feel quite responsible for its welfare.

Fred's on the sleeper to Inverness for a spontaneous few days cycling in the Great Glen. So, I and the menagerie have the flat to ourselves. Happy Weekend!

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