Let There Be Light

By solli

Fly The Friendly Skies

Thank you all for your hearts and stars on yesterday's white cabbage butterflies! I didn't think I'd be able to get a shot that wasn't blurry!

In 1986 when I bought my home, I didn't hear a single airplane flying overhead although I live relatively close to an international airport. Shortly afterward, I began to hear planes flying directly over my roof with the noise being dominant around the clock. It turned out that the regional flight route had been altered and as a result, I got the planes!

It drove me crazy. The jumbo jets flew so low that I could read the numbers on fusilage and see the passengers sitting at the windows. When I waved to them, some actually waved back!

In 1996, I'd had enough of the disturbance so I stood on my back porch for a month and videotaped the number and frequency of the planes as they approached my home. My purpose was to document with irrefutable data that the quality of my life had deteriorated to a level of intolerability. After speaking with state politicians and a group who'd been advocating for flight pattern changes, it was determnied that the airport was in violation of the Federal Aviation Administration's regulations and policies regarding air traffic control.

The route was altered again, and I had a few relatively peaceful years enjoying the privacy of my backyard without the worry that a plane was coming in so low that I'd have to dive for cover. But now it seems they're baaack....... oh no!

View large to spot the plane!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday and has a wonderful weekend planned!

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