
By Cazzlebrook

Open Gardens

      This morning I put up an exhibition in a friend's garden. She is part of an 'Open Garden' project that is being run by the Church. Us Brits are a nosey bunch so it appeals to our nature to go and have a delve into 'other's backyards' so to speak. 
      Myself and Lesley go back a long way and have always been part of an Arty group so when she got in touch to ask if I'd like my photography to be a part of her garden I jumped at the chance ( and got excatly what she meant).
      You can see the tip of the St Mary's Church from her garden and it's the same church that is running the project and the same church that features heavily in a lot of my images. It's the view from my balcony as I live just up the road. Before now Lesley has even sent me a message to say 'Look at the sunset!......hope you have your camera out.' 
      Anyway, I was delighted with how the exhibiton looked (as I think we both were) and tomorrow it will be going up for a second day, it was great to see the ideas come together and all the colours worked really well together, with the garden and photography really complimenting each other......Here's hoping for a slightly less precarious weather front and a great second day! :-)

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