Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd


This is the 3rd year that I've blipped from the Africa Oyé festival and, as ever, it's been a thoroughly entertaining experience.

Musical highlights today included Gordon Masiala & NKA Musica from the Democratic Republic of Congo with their superb soukous sounds and a young 8-piece band from Kenya called Sarabi who played and danced with an energy that was both joyful and punk-like. A definite hit with me!

The day got off to a rainy start but by mid-afternoon the sun was out and the crowd was swelling. By the end of the day, Sefton Park was awash with festival goers of every age, race and demographic group you can think of and the vibe was as harmonious as you could wish for. A heartening antidote to this week's tragedy in Charleston, South Carolina.

It was also good to spend time with Spokes' sister, brother-in-law and nephews who come over for the festival every year from North Wales.

More tomorrow!

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