Flying circus

2 years blipping - jesusmaryandjoseph as we say over here :) I really wanted to use this photo but was worried I might be suspended again so you have to have a bit of my craggy old hand in too!! I've called on Grandpa Joe and his Flying Circus to help me celebrate. That really is him up there, walking on the wings, hopefully secured but I'm not sure about that. After the First World War he set up the Berkshire Aviation Company which entertained the crowds by doing wing walking and other stunts (this is a little know fact but he and a Mr JDV Holmes gave the first ever demonstration of wing walking in 1921). They also gave joys rides and boasted that they had had hardly any accidents - only two out of thousands were recorded and those minor! No 'elf and safety worries in those days. Their oldest customer was a lady of 100 who apparently loved it! Strange how his grandaughter is the worst flyer in the universe.

Anyway, made it to two years - a few gaps in the second year and I suspect there might be a few more in the third! I will continue but may become a bit more free and easy, Gladders seems to have got it right. No need for any more gushing, just a big and warm thank you to everyone who pops by, especially to those who do so regularly - you know who you are :)

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