
By dailyphoto365

World Famous

Everywhere in the world there are famous icons. Melbourne - Flinders Street Station, Sydney - Opera House, London - Big Ben, New York - Empire State Building, Paris - Effiel Tower.

Well in New Zealand things are slightly quirky. Gore - trout, Te Puke - Kiwifruit, Christchurch - had the Cathedral, Ohkune - Carot, Bluff - Fluteys Puia House, Taihape - Gumboot, Auckland - One tree hill, now with no tree.

Well Paeroa has the L&P Bottle - World Famous in New Zealand.

It's a kiwi thing. Can't get it anywhere else in the world other than here at home. It's like pavlova, jaffa's, snifter lollies, hokey pokey icecream and a decent mince pie (and no not one of those things you eat at Christmas).

Ask any kiwi who lives overseas what they miss about home and Im sure they could name same of the above.

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