At The Beacon Full Of Hope

I was up at 2:30 am and set off on the M25 for Chorleywood, the start of our annual S2000 Druids' run. Unfortunately the M25 was closed at Junction 21. I followed the diversion signs and a lorry that I thought might be heading to rejoin the M25 and somehow ended up in a far flung industrial area. Amazingly I eventually got to the start point in time.

My pic shows some of our cars and members at Ivinghoe Beacon where we met up with more Druids' runners. I'd been on the recce with our leader so knew that he had chosen a fantastic route. We had a great run of 170 miles on beautifully twisty, almost deserted, country roads through fantastic countryside to Stonehenge.

Shame the event was marred again by the whingeing contingent. :( (I nearly left for home but was persuaded to continue.) At least they couldn't moan about the breakfast this year, it was great and eaten in the company of a troupe of blacked up and wonderfully be-feathered and garbed Morris dancers.

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