
By Marginellaman

Beautiful Demoiselle Damselfly

Well, it was all go down at the riverbank today. I went with the intention of getting a good closeup of the female banded demoiselle, a beautiful creature in irridescent shades of metallic green. I got my shot alright but just as I was packing up to go, this beauty appeared. It was being seriously mobbed by the many hundreds of male banded demoiselles that were flitting about, but as it was a bit bigger than them, it managed to stand its ground, landing periodically and flashing its wings. So, here it is. It is called the Beautiful Demoiselle, latin name Calopteryx virgo. Isn't it just staggering. It was worth getting covered in nettle stings for this photo, I think!
So, the female banded damsels will have to wait till next time (bah! can't blip the ones I got today!), and next time I must remember to wear long trousers.

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