Tanked up!

We had to be up and out earlyish as I had a dentist appointment in Manchester for 10.15.
I've been having some trouble with a particular tooth for a few weeks, and the long and short of it is that despite our efforts, it has had to come out today, after 7 injections that is...apparently when a tooth is infected, the anesthetic doesn't have the same effect! I was actually in the dentist 2 hours as it wouldn't stop bleeding, eventually had to have it stitched!! It was such a pity, as after the dentist, we were attending a lunch get together with ex work colleagues. I'd already chosen from the menu, grilled seabass with prawn jambalaya...... needless to say, what I actually had was a glass of tepid tap,water through a straw!! Everyone said the food was lovely :-/

It's been a really hot one today, this afternoon the temperature rose to 31.5 degrees.....some of the tarmac around Manchester was going soft! This shot was taken over these shiny silver tanks, as the sun reflected from them....I thought it made an interesting image :-)

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