Throw it! THROW it! Pleeeease!!

Back to Wellington this morning. Busy day, and this afternoon, I went with the Home Based Treatment team to review someone I saw last week. Half an hour further north from Porirua at Kapiti. 

A lovely warm and sunny day; at least warm in the sun. The air is still rather chilly. On the way north I saw some lovely seascapes and as we were leaving I asked the nurse who was driver if we might find a safe place to stop on the way back for me to get a photo. She and her colleague were happy to help me get a photo, but made a loop to the coast where we stopped and I took this photo. The dark band at the top is Kapiti Island, a wild life sanctuary where there are no introduced predators (rats, stoats, cats etc). 

Further back towards Kenepuru, and still near the coast, I used a wide angle lens for a shot of the beach and the island. It can be seen as an extra for the day.

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