From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

A beautiful Ayr sunset....

After a humid, overcast Tuesday slaving over a hot laptop, we set off up the road and dawdled into town where I ordered my jeans from M&S. 

We didn't stay out long as it was threatening rain. 

I didn't watch any tennis at all despite knowing that Andy Murray was playing. Watching him is extremely stressful and the fact I always want him to win makes no difference!

After a lovely dinner of lamb chops with garlicky potatoes  I felt incredibly sleepy, slept through Emmerdale and struggled to keep awake in River City. As the skies had brightened considerably, I announced to mom that I was going out for a walk to avoid sleeping the whole night away and hoped I'd catch a sunset.

Mom decided to come with me which was nice and we walked along the seafront enjoying the breeze and beautiful changing colours as the sun sank behind Arran. Impossible to choose just one picture, I have put another three in extra photos. All will be on FB too. We walked down to South Harbour where the sun was in its final throes. 

It was after ten then and I had no difficulty persuading mom to go to the West Kirk although she moaned all the way that she hadn't dressed up for this unexpected trip to the pub and hadn't put her earrings in! I explained that no one would notice and there would hardly be anyone in there on a Tuesday night. It was mercifully quiet....

There endeth a nice Tuesday with a couple of pints of Rudgate IPA for me and a couple of glasses of Prosecco for mom.

I got two pictures of a wonderful Scottish moon on the way back home too!

Track? Here's an old favourite of mine from 1971 - I Had A Dream

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