secret garden

By freespiral

Enigmatic Evolution

.... Silent cool waters
dancing upon her skin
silent cool water
ushering dreams within.
Enigmatic Evolution, by Muse

The mist has lifted, it hasn't rained and we have even seen a little sunshine. In fact it was too warm to work in the polytunnel so I've been weeding the onions, picking the redcurrants and clearing round the roses instead. I have even been for a swim! Hot and sweaty after all my labouring I decided to venture down to the sea and see if it was possible. The tide was up, the water was warm(ish), no sign of any jellies and I even managed to float around happily for about 10 minutes.Lovely.

Today's blip is in response to youoregon1's  Abstract Thursday challenge. I think he's doing this for July. I had great fun doing this. Any ideas? Might be worth biggifying.

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